What NOT to do on Weekends to Improve your Mental Health

Weekends can feel like a time you should relieve yourself from your obligations and simply rest up. However, while relaxing is important, there are some things that you could be doing that will actually make your weekend of rest worse for your mental health. Here are some ideas of what to avoid on your weekends:

Oversleep –

Yes it’s tempting, but rather try and stick to your regular sleep patterns on the weekend. Catching up on sleep does not improve energy – it leads to lethargy and fatigue.

Excessive Alcohol –

Alcohol bingeing and depression go hand-in-hand. Be mindful of your mental health, and rather aim for a more moderate intake across the weekend.

Too Much Social Media –

We all know scrolling is a bad habit which can lead to social isolation. Instead of cutting it out completely, set yourself a time limit or consider engaging in reading, spending time outdoors or simply connecting with nature.

Avoid Physical Activity –

Being cooped up indoors is not good for your health. Get up and outdoors for fresh air and sunshine, and do moderate activity (like walking) to increase those endorphins.

Procrastinate –

We all know about the dangers of leaving things till the last minute. Instead, spread your tasks across the weekend – break them up into smaller tasks and tackle each throughout the day.

Overcommit to Socialising –

It’s almost as bad as doing nothing, as it can lead to serious burnout. You don’t need to say yes to ‘everything’.

Overspend –

Whether it’s a regular spot of retail therapy or deciding to indulge in a special meal because it’s the weekend, this indiscriminate mending can often lead to financial woes. Be mindful, and at the very least, set yourself a budget.

If you’d like to find out more about One Central Health, give us a call today on (08) 9344 1318.

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