How to understand your NDIS Plan

An NDIS Plan can be quite a confusing document. But the truth is that it’s really not that hard to understand with a little bit of guidance.

In this article, we are going to help you understand your NDIS Plan by breaking down the different types of support budgets.

If you would like find out more about all things NDIS, make sure to check out our other blog articles:

NDIS Plan: Support Budgets

All of the funding you are approved for by the National Disability Insurance Scheme can be categorised in one of three different types of Support Budgets:

  1. Core Support
  2. Capacity Building Support
  3. Capital Support

What is a Core Support Budget?

Funding in your Core Support budget refers to anything that aids with your day-to-day activities and life. Funding might be directly related to your disability-associated needs. And/or it might be to help you work towards achieving your NDIS Plan’s goals.

Make sure to look at your Plan carefully. While often, the funding in Core is flexible in the way you can use it, there are instances where the funding is explicitly stated to be used in a certain way or for a certain service.

There are four support categories that fall under Core Support.

(1) Daily Living Assistance

This refers to anything that is required to empower you to carry out daily activities, like house cleaning for example.

NDIS Core Support graphic showing assistance with daily life

(2) Transport

This category is self-explanatory. If you need to travel–whether to work or somewhere else relevant to your NDIS Plan and goals–this support funding will help. How the transport budget is set up depends on the particulars of your plan. We recommend you speak with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) for tailored guidance.

NDIS Core Support graphic showing transport

(3) Consumables

A consumable is any item that you might need to assist you. Whether it’s assistive technology or other equipment and devices, your support funding will help.

NDIS Core Support graphic showing consumables

(4) Social and Community Participation Assistance

If you’re looking to participate in social events or community activities, this budget will help fund a support worker to provide assistance.

NDIS Core Support graphic showing assistance with social and community participation

What is a Capacity Building Budget?

The Capacity Building section of your NDIS Plan’s budget funds any support or services that aid participants in the development of skills and independence. These supports can be delivered in both one-on-one service settings or in groups.

The nine subcategories of Capacity Building include:

(1) Support Coordination

Support Coordinators work with NDIS participants to help them utilise their Plans and exercise choice and control when it comes to the support they receive.

NDIS Capacity Building Support graphic showing support coordination

Did you know One Central Health provides Support Coordination services as well?

Find out more here.

(2) Improved Living Arrangements

This funding will help you if you need assistance finding a place to live or manage your living arrangements.

NDIS Capacity Building Support graphic showing improved living arrangements

(3) Increasing Social and Community Participation

Whether it’s social, leisurely or community activities, this support will help improve and develop skills with which to participate.

NDIS Capacity Building Support graphic showing increased social and community participation

(4) Improved Job Arrangements

This support covers finding and keeping jobs, as well as completing any associated training, assessments or criteria fulfillments.

NDIS Capacity Building Support graphic showing finding and keeping a job

(5) Improved Relationships

This subcategory refers to the development of skills to ensure positive behaviours and appropriate interaction with other people.

NDIS Capacity Building Support graphic showing improved relationships

(6) Health and Wellbeing

This includes services related to your physical health such as exercise or diet advice as it relates to your particular disability.

NDIS Capacity Building Support showing improved health and wellbeing

(7) Improved Learning

From training to formal education in a university, TAFE or other Registered Training Organisation (RTO), improved learning support can pay for services.

NDIS Capacity Building Support graphic showing improved learning

(8) Improved Life Choices

This refers to Plan Management. Plan Managers help you managing your plan by paying your service invoices for you.

NDIS Capacity Building Support graphic showing improved life choices

(9) Improved Daily Living

Improved daily living allocates funding for services and therapy to improve skills and development for both participants with a disability and their carers.

NDIS Capacity Building Support graphic showing improved daily living
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What is a Capital Building Budget?

Capital Supports funding is for more expensive items such as home or vehicle modifications that are necessary for daily functioning, assistive technology or other specialist equipment. These purchases can be used for one-off expenditures also.

Capital Support may only be used for a specific purpose and not for general services or items.

There are two subcategories that fall under this NDIS Plan’s budget:

(1) Assistive Technology

Assistive tech can refer to anything required for supporting mobility, communication, recreational activities, social inclusion or personal care.

NDIS Capital Support graphic showing assistive technology

(2) Home Modifications

Home modification capital supports is for installing things or changing a home, for example rails in a bathroom or renovating entrances etc. In this particular subcategory there is also funding included for special housing if one requires it due to their disability.

NDIS Capital Support graphic showing home modifications

Got more NDIS Plan questions? Call OCH today?

Want to know more about how to understand your NDIS Plan?

Would you like professional assistance with accessing support and services, and exercising your choice and control?

Make sure to give the team at One Central Health a call. We provide multidisciplinary allied health therapy, NDIS Support Coordination and Plan Management services to clients of all ages and abilities.

Plus, we’re a registered NDIS provider as well! So call us today on (08) 9344 1318.

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